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Advanced materials for Interior Design And Architecture Part -2

Advanced materials for Interior Design And Architecture Part -2

In the First part of this Blog we have seen some advanced and new revolutionary materials for Interior Design and Architecture. These materials are not popular presently but they hold promise and may completely replace the present conventional materials due to them being eco-friendly. Some of these materials are from recycled old materials and some are the product of new technology. Some are costly and some cheap. Because these materials are new they are being gradually accepted by Interior designers and Architects. These materials have proven themselves in the testing laboratories across many experiments. Only the best materials are being presented in this Blog. Let us look at some more


Flexicomb is a honeycomb or similar shaped material which can have hundreds of uses. The design comprises thousands of synthetic polypropylene tubes melded into Honey comb form. On its own, the design aesthetic and a fertile material to imagination for many types of things perhaps thousands. It is flexible and Strong enough to enough to create wide range of uses, Flexicomb can be used in making sculpture, furniture design, or lighting. Creative designers can make more and more uses possible. This is a revolutionary Product


Kinetic Glass

The manufacturers say the following about Kinetic glass. Kinetic Glass is a responsive surface that reacts to environmental conditions and changes shape via curling or opening and closing gills. The surface is thin, lightweight, and transparent with no motors or mechanical parts. The system may be used with a variety of switches or sensors and controlled via microprocessors and complex algorithms, allowing one to perform a variety of applications. In one case, the system can detect unhealthy levels of carbon dioxide in interior spaces. Kinetic Glass “breathes” when high levels are encountered, enhancing air movement and signaling the problem to building occupants. A fantastic product, but it is costly.


Bendable concrete

Today’s concrete is brittle; any bending and excessive weight will make it crack. A new type of fiber-reinforced bendable concrete is going revolutionize the building Industry

Bendable concrete is 500 times more resistant to cracking than conventional concrete because it has 2 percent of tiny fibers. The fibers slide within the concrete when bending occurs, making it prevent breakage. Also the materials in the concrete are designed for maximum flexibility as well. This concrete has a much longer life expectancy; consequently it will cost less in the long run.


Concrete Canvas

Concrete Canvas is a flexible cement impregnated fabric that hardens on
adding water to form a thin, durable, waterproof, and fire proof concrete layer. It is concrete on a roll Just Add Water it becomes solid. Concrete Canvas is available in portable rolls for applications with limited access or where heavy plant equipment is not available.

It hardens to strength within 24 hours. Its flexibility is it is innovativeness. It is durable flexible strong, fire and waterproof.



Low E Glass Coating

Low-E glass has a microscopically thin, transparent coating, thinner than a human hair it reflects infrared energy (or heat). The inside heat tries to escape to the cold weather outside during the winter; the low-e coating reflects the heat back to the inside, heat loss through the glass. Exactly opposite happens during summer. Since low-e glass is comprised of extremely thin layers of silver or other low emissivity materials, it acts like the conventional thermos. The silver low-e coating reflects the interior temperatures back inside, keeping the room warm or cold.
There for the (Low-E) glass is window glass that has been treated with an invisible metal or metallic oxide coating, creating a surface that reflects heat, while allowing light to pass through. Windows treated with Low-E coatings are proven to reduce energy consumption, decrease fading of fabrics, such as Window treatments, and increase overall comfort of a home or other habitable space. It may perform the best if two layers of glass with air gap in between. Remember it is not the conventional grey Film used popularly to reflect heat. It is transparent.


Paper Insulation

Paper insulation made from recycled newspapers and cardboard, although it is not a new material but it was lost due to adverse publicity of competitors’ in the 70’s. It is making a comeback now and is superior insulation alternative to chemical foam insulation.

It is both insect and fire resistant. This is due to mixing of calcium carbonate, borax and boric acid. It does not harm the environment and health of humans as it is made of paper and low impact widely available materials. One of its properties is that it can be blown into wall filling every crack.


We have come to the end of this blog entry,positively we will discuss more Innovative materials in the coming blogs. For many more interesting subjects on Interior design watch this space regularly.