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Choose to be an Interior Designer

Design is a fantastic subject. Interior design is a very creative profession and is directly related to the Architecture which is called the mother of all arts. You don’t need any in born or genetic qualities to learn this art.

You can develop yourself with the help of good design colleges to be a excellent Interior designer. Likewise creativity which is essential for design can be developed when you educate through a good design college. There is a huge demand for Interior designers in fast developing countries like India where lot of building work is going on. Interior designers are needed to design the Interior of apartments, Independent homes, Offices, Malls, Super Markets, Shops and many more spaces. There is a perpetual demand for redesigning the Interiors of many old Interiors. This is a profession in demand.

For being a good Interior designer you need to have 12 years of education and you can join a college of your choice. Diplomas of one year to Degrees of Five years are available and it is your choice how much time you want to spend. The one year or two year Diploma may put you on a fast track to be an Interior design but it can be done if you work hard enough. There are certificate courses of Six months if you want to learn more fast.

For being an Interior designer you will study the following subjects

  • Drawing and Graphics
  • History Of Interior Design over the ages
  • Materials needed for achieving your design
  • Space planning
  • Construction of all types
  • Design of Interiors for all types of rooms and spaces
  • Creativity as a subject
  • CAD and other Software needed to present your design to your Client
  • Computer Application like MS Office
  • Estimation costing and scheduling
  • Last but not least practical experience with and Interior designer of repute.

This is a succinct list, a good College will take you deep into these subjects and more.

For example Drawing and graphics are basic skills needed, and you must practice these before you begin designing

A sketching practice will make you good in putting your ideas on paper and if you are good at graphics you can present colored drawings of your design on paper itself. Otherwise you can put your ideas on paper and then make them precise using CAD and supportive software. However you will never put your ideas on computer , unless first sketch and then you will be confident that your ideas are refined enough to show to your client in any media you select. Hence the ability to sketch is very important.

Learning History of Design will make you understand how Interiors have undergone changes through the centuries before becoming minimalistic like they are now.

You will finalize material after you complete your design, you may use glass, wood, and many more to

accomplish the design. You must be dexterous in understanding the use of material, lot of knowledge of materials goes into Interior design.

Also you need to know construction techniques to alter or to use the materials for walls , floor and false ceiling etc .

You have to learn space planning before you do anything else. This means the interaction of spaces as needed or specified by the client. This is an important part of your understanding of before you design  an Interior.

Every space or Room must be designed independently to create a good gestalt. A living Room , a Bedroom, a Kitchen, Toilets and others. The Pictures presented are not of s singular Interior but can serve as a good example of the styles of design you need to follow.

You need to understand creative problem solving techniques to design an Interior and this will be taken care of by a good college you join.

Ultimately a good College will provide you practical experience by site visits and many other activities including crafts etc to make you an expert in Interior design. A good college will take you to places where actual Interiors are being done, the college may send you for market Survey where you will gather information about materials and the cost of labor etc. You will know how to do costing for your design.

You need to develop your personality to be pleasing and presentable ,Good colleges like Lakhotia College of Design will see to it that you have classes to look and talk in a pleasing manner. You need to have the skills to face Interviews, talk with the client directly for his her needs and requirements. More or less good Institutes will take care of all this and you can finally step into the arena of real world with confidence if you have your education from a good Institute.

We come to the end of this Blog and hope you have known a lot here. Watch this space for more good blogs on Interior design. We update our Blogs frequently.

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