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Lift your Interiors with Lights

Lift your Interiors with Lights

What is life without light, during the day and night? Principally though this blog discusses artificial lighting techniques for the night. We will cover day light in Interiors in some other Blog. Light is important and it must be used in all its variants to make your Interior dynamic.

Light can enhance your mood; it can lift your psyche. Thoughtfulness in trying to achieve lighting is extremely important; otherwise even a dynamically designed Interior may not stand out if we give similar lights everywhere.

Primarily there must be ambient lighting in every room, meaning a minimum lighting must be enveloping the inside of your house. Ambient light is a light that lights but the source is not directly visible, ambient light must be present in every room. It must be enhanced by the functionality of the room.

Some areas may have lights specifics to them and these are known as task lighting, a task lighting example is the kitchen, light which falls on the kitchen platform on the upper kitchen cabinet is meant for performing a task, and it helps to cook and creates ease of use. There must be a light over a sink also.

A study room may have special lighting arrangement for a person to study.

Living room cum dining room is the core of your house, it needs special type of lights.A  chandelier can provide ambient light .Similarly lamps can also be used to provide ambient lighting in the living room. Spotlights for anything that is a focus of the living room dining rooms will make the room look and feel pleasant. Remember you do not need harsh well lit living dining rooms. Ambient light will prove to be very good and creates and atmosphere of intimacy. Moreover you have the TV in the living room any direct harsh light above or below it may spoil your viewing experience. Direct hanging lights on the dining table looks like an invitation to eat and enjoy food. Concealed light in the false ceiling is also a good example of ambient lighting it can be used in a living room

The bedoom is your cozy sanctuary for nearly one third of your time, it is a romantic area and ambient light suits well, you need to also consider giving lamps and spotlight if required.Lamps are a must for reading while cozying up in the bedroom. There maybe a TV in your bedroom and you can make it all function well if ambient light is present.

Wash rooms need lots of light. They must be cleaned as soon as stains start developing. Well lit wash rooms are the order of the day. But if you want to relax in the tub, you can have dimmers involved so that the lighting becomes ambient and you can relax in the hot water of the tub. Shower caddies must be lit well from inside.

For visitors  whom we want to entertain formally and do not want to take inside the living room need a drawing room. This is a segregated area and has access from inside of house . This room must have an inviting yet subtle formality. Most of the time this is the most decorated room.This room needs ambient light and spotlight for the areas you are going to focus, mostly the focus is on wall paintings or murals or perhaps a sculpture. The furniture also can be a focus. This room is the best one in the house and must be adorned properly.

Lighting your verandah is as important as any other room. Although the verandah is open to air on one side.The night activites performed there like relaxation ,bar be que etc make it a very special area as far as lighting in it is considered.Verandah also needs ambient lighting and some task lighting of you read there and also if you use Bar Be Que. Verandah can have lantern and candles too for lighting for making it look more intimate.

Staircases are an Integral part of any home and they seem neglected as far as lighting is concerned. We can light the staircase in a nice way so that it becomes a dynamic space full of light. We can put lights beside each tread and we can also have lamps for the side of the staircase which is most commonly the wall.

We come to the end of this Blog, watch this website for informative and useful blogs on Interior design.