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Lights, Camera AAAAND Pose!

Photography – a career to FOCUS on!

View the world through an artistic lens of a skilled photographer. Camera,flash,zoom and click….yes the flashbulbs will pop as you seek a career in the spotlight. Here to be a star shooter step into Lakhotia’s fashion factory,where dreams are cultured into reality.
A picture speaks a thousand words and where no words reach an image works wonders.
In this day and age where the universe is besotted with imagery,now is the time to venture into a career of the camera.
At Lakhotia Institute of Design you are readied for your aims and the institute understands the need of the industry as well as your role in contributing towards it. Lakhotia takes up the reigns of your career when you enroll yourself and during the duration of this professional course equips you with enough experience to make you an expert when you are on the threshold of your career.
Right from internships to technical nuances of photography equipment,the course exposes you to the pragmatics of the field.

When it comes to the scope,the world is your oyster. Every segment and professional arena from fashion,modelling,publications,to journalism and the entertainment industry requires skilled lensmen to convey picturesque images to the world. Apart from the entertainment and glamour fields,photographers are in high demand in medical,software,architecture,hotel and hospitality industries as well.

At Lakhotia,the student trainees are taught the many aspects to be learnt to face various channels which will eventually lead them to a very secure future.

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