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Exciting careers to explore after studying Fashion!

The world of opportunities that the fashion industry is about,opens up its arms to those creatively and fashionably inclined. If fashion is your calling then head to Lakhotia Institute of Design where courses of your choice beckon you towards the direction of your dreams.

This magical world of style,designers,models and glamour presents many channels of professional pursuit. From being a celebrated individual designer who sells under his name to working for an export house where thousands of your designs are produced and marketed,the aspirant has no dearth of opportuniy. Fashion styling and wardrobe managing are also much sort after careers where the student can handle looks for print,electronic and other visual mediums,dressing professionals from various fields. If you have an eye for detail then being a fashion consultant is your stream. Top corporates hire young fashion aspirants for their expertise. High fashion,ready to wear,diffusion and bridge lines as well as costume designing raise the scope for an individual seeking a career in fashion.

Fashion is a global business with millions of people being employed annually. Such a multi billion dollar industry seeks talent consistently. At Lakhotia our endeavour is to supplement the industry with the brains that it needs. We understand that fashion is not just a fantasy but a huge technical process. There is a major demand for pattern makers and fashion illustrators in the garment making field. Skill is forever desired as clothing is more than just joining bolts of fabric. Garment construction being the most important aspect of fashion design, makes many a fashion professional call for sharp pattern makers and sewers. At Lakhotia,our focussed training contributes to this space. The enrolling pupil has the faith that he/she will eventually pursue a career in fashion. To those looking for a career in visual mediums,there is the high on impact photography section that captures the hearts of many a dreamer. Fashion and glamour photography is now the most coveted arena for many facinated with creating imagery. With earnings having no bar,a large number of youngsters are opting for it.

Reading,writing and describing fashion has found interest in many hopefuls. Telegraphing the latest trends and dispursing them has created many fashion writers,journalists and forcasters. Media houses and fashion houses as well,employ these brilliant word and look artists for taking the fashion news forward.

Those wanting to be a part of the numbers business have a choice to embark in fashion business management. This department has a large scope with fashion businesses calling for those with on floor,accounting and management skills.

Fashion unlike other industries has boundless sections to choose from,hence providing infinite options to the seeker of a luminous career.

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