Lakhotia College of Design is aptly termed as “Center of Excellence”! It is accredited by IAO International accreditation, Affiliated to State Board of Technical Education and Training, Partners with Punjab Technical University (PTU). They also bagged the Top prize for Designing School Award!
Lakhotia College of Design Lives in the Present Tense.
This College:
- Is a Workshop for Inventors.
- Has High Quality Structured Environment.
- Environment is inviting, safe, inclusive, and supportive of all.
- Has a curriculum that is challenging, exploratory, integrative, and relevant.
- Is where students and teachers are engaged in active, purposeful learning.
- Is Fearless and welcomes Parental Involvement.
- Honors the Diversity.
- Is a place where Communication Is Honest and Frequent.
- Is of High Standards and Expectations for All.
- Is an Intimate Community Where candidates Find Unconditional Acceptance from the industry.
- Is a Thoughtful Place that Honors the Thinking and the work of Teachers and Students.
- Is Simple, Dark, and Deep.
- Is a Place Where People Make a Difference…
- is a place where everyone has opportunities to learn: students, teachers, staff, parents, administrators, etc.,
- Is where learning is valued,
- Is where the cultivation of wisdom and reflection is encouraged, and
- Is where questioning and curiosity rule the day, and
- Is where laughter and mistakes go hand in hand, and
- Is where we bring the outside in, where we draw on experts from around the world, and
- Is where we encourage self-directed learning thoughtful technology integration is seamless and is about solving real-world problems.
Labs and Studios:
The Education system at Lakhotia College of Design, Hyderabad is entirely based on knowledge and implementation of knowledge. Our principle is “Learning to Know and Learning To Do”. Hence the curriculum maintains harmony between theoretical instruction (design skills with theoretical inputs) and practical experience (design projects and field experience) so that the students can hone their knowledge and skills by being tested in a variety of real-time based situations.Studios, Labs and Workshops form the core of instruction at Lakhotia College of Design. This is where students are encouraged to formulate workable solutions/ concepts/models/prototypes by implementing their knowledge and design ideas. The discipline coordinators and technical staff members together manage the various studios, labs and workshops, schedules, materials, equipment, processes, instruction and technical guidance. While all students have their own permanent, but shared workplace, most of them usually work at different labs or workshops for specific courses. At some point or another in their coursework, students will be working at different labs and attending different workshops based on their curriculum. Often, different courses share the same resources such as labs, studios or workshops. This results in students from different courses sharing the same facilities and resources at the same time which promotes healthy and academic interaction between students developing them into well-rounded professionals who have a healthy and respectful perspective of theirs and other lines of profession. Having a glimpse of various techniques employed by students from other disciplines enables one to realize effective and creative venues in their own line of work. Sharing resources and facilities also ensures economical use and healthy conservation of budget.
Wood Studio:
A spacious space that is not only equipped with wood work implements, but also contains different resources and facilities to promote students’ knowledge about wood and its properties. Any project in any size, shape or form can be developed in here – be it a piece of furniture or a partition, a door or a window, a box or a display object… Different types of wood are provided for the students to familiarize themselves with distinct properties of each type. Students are instructed on skills such as cutting, planning, joining, etc. in here. This is the very place where prototypes for the clients are developed.Metal Studio:
A studio devoted to processing and molding metals to create various products ranging from furniture to everyday household implements. Sheet metal, using of different gadgets is cut, processed, shaped, molded and joined to create a required product.Model Making Studio:
Although life is made easy with highly advanced equipment, the basics of designing cannot be taught efficiently without using the basic and simple hand-held implements. Students, in this studio use the various provided hand implements and basic materials to create their models from wood, metal and plastic. This develops their knowledge of properties and essence of different materials which in turn makes the student resourceful.Paint Shop:
Whether metal, wood or plastic, a model only becomes complete when it is presented well. A well-presented model helps convey its purpose more clearly and makes it attractive for prospective clients. This facility in Lakhotia provides various methods for giving finishing touches for the models such as spray painting.Photography and Modeling Studios:
Students are instructed in Professional Quality Photography in this studio which includes facilities like monorail cameras to digital cameras. Big-size enlargements are also managed here in both black & White and Color. The studio is also equipped with film processing facilities. All LID students undergo photography instruction based on the needs of their course. This studio is also the very place where LID caters to its photography clients.Printing Studio:
Printing process is a very essential for some disciplines in the Design Industry such as Graphic design. Lakhotia College of Design’s graphic design students finds this studio well equipped with offset printing, silk-screen printing, etc. This studio also caters to Lakhotia College of Design’s clients since this is where it’s publications and other professional assignments are worked on.Textile Studio:
Textile related projects are worked on in this studio. It contains resources and facilities for the students to experiment and develop prototypes and samples.Weaving Studio:
Legendary equipment such as Jacquard looms along with other weaving equipment is available here for the students to carry out their ideas and products.Dyeing Studio:
Trained technicians instruct students on various methods of dyeing different materials here in this studio which is equipped with necessary facilities with both chemical and natural dyeing. Students, under trained guidance, experiment to enhance their knowledge.Apparel Studio:
Drapery and Tailoring are taught LID students in this studio that is well equipped with required resources and facilities. It also facilitates the development of various accessories.IT Labs:
Here is where students can integrate their real world with the digital world. This lab helps realize the vision and new thrust of “IT for Design and Design for IT”. IT Centre at Lakhotia College of Design embodies Lakhotia’s 21st century vision and new age agenda of helping in the creation and dissemination of knowledge.Library:
No scholar has ever achieved strides in education without accessing a library. Lakhotia College of Design realizes the importance of a library to a student’s academic growth and development and hence provides one for its students. Lakhotia College of Design’s library doesn’t just hold books, articles, CDs and DVDS pertaining to different disciplines of studies in the Design Industry, but it also contains a collection of materials for the benefit of students such as fibers, fabrics, trims and accessories. Students can also avail Xerox facilities by paying for Xerox needs to their librarian. Several sector relevant magazines are made available for students’ reference to keep in touch with latest updates in their industry.Hostel:
Although on-campus hostel facilities are not available, Lakhotia College of Design provides it students with excellent tie-up hostel facilities that are in the immediate vicinity of the college campus. The facilities are separate for both male students and female students.Canteen:
Ask Alumni of any college to recollect some fun and memorable events from their college time and they are sure to mention their college Canteen. Where most college canteens are notorious for the quality of their food, Lakhotia ensures that its students enjoy their meals in a clean, aesthetic, hygienic and appetizing atmosphere. Students and staff love dishing out the menus at the spacious canteen where creative camaraderie and bubbly banter peppered with intense discussions, exploring ideas and sharing of opinions permeates.Any event at Lakhotia College of Design is exclusively catered by the college canteen. Students can design menus on a request to the canteen in charge. Canteen is open from 8:30 am to 6:00 pm on Monday till Saturday.
Health Services Office:
A slew of nurse practitioners and physicians attend the Health Services office at Lakhotia College of Design to provide primary care to its students and staff which includes general medical, gynecological care including most medication and lab tests. The office is funded by the Health Services fee which is charged only to full-time students which makes them eligible to use this facility.If a need arises for specialist care, a referral list of consultants is at hand to contact for further treatment. Special services such as X-rays and special lab tests are not provided and have to be dealt with student’s own expense outside of the Health Services Fee.
Health-related counseling regarding family planning, nutrition, stress management and health maintenance is offered to the students and staff as a part of this service.
Disability Support Service:
To provide equal opportunity to even economically disabled but academically excelling students, Lakhotia College of Design renders various Disability Support Services such as Scholarship for meritorious and poor students, facilitation of Educational loan from banks, facilitating the students in obtaining scholarship offered by other funding organizations, Fee concessions in accordance to economic condition of the family, assisting students in placement in Hyderabad, etc. Through its Entrepreneurship Development Cell, Lakhotia facilitates the downtrodden students to obtain bank loan as the starting capital for their businesses.Auditorium:
Complete with glass ramps and 200-seating capacity, Lakhotia College of Design auditorium also is equipped with a wide screen to screen 16mm films as well as multi-projection slide shows with computer programming. Quality audio-visual needs are catered to by auditorium’s own audio-visual studios which also provide recording, editing and mixing.After-Hours Class Room Facility:
On special request, students can avail Lakhotia College of Design’s classrooms after class hours and on holidays. To access these facilities, the requestor should register their name with the security office with the required details.Recreation Room:
A mind needs “Change” to grow. Lakhotia College of Design understands this of its students and staff and hence equipped itself with a well-provided Recreation room that not only refreshes and relaxes the members but also stimulates their creativity by availing different venues of sports and games such as Table Tennis, Carroms, Chess, etc.During intercollegiate sports meet, indoor games are conducted where LID students are consistent participants.